Sunday 24 March 2013

Ghost Train

Very few music videos I've seen in recent years have had any staying power. I watch them for a few minutes, primarily on YouTube, and then, well, forget them almost immediately.  Seldom have they added anything to the music.  This was certainly not the case, however, with The Creeping Ivies' video for "Ghost Train":

(download the e.p. for free from the group's bandcamp)

I've returned to it again and again and each time it seems better and better.  For what is essentially just a performance video, it's remarkably inventive and makes the music seem that bit more unhinged and jittery.  If I'd wandered into a room in the Tate Modern and seen it playing, I would've been transfixed and wouldn't have questioned whether or not it was deserving of its place there.  Events have conspired to prevent me from witnessing their thunderous mania in person but they're making the trip from Dundee on April 9th to appear at Mono with notoriously rude crash helmet wearer Bob Log III.  I recently likened the experience of watching Fritz Lang's "Woman In The Moon" with a live soundtrack by Detroit techno legend Jeff Mills to being shut in a metal bin and dragged along winding country roads behind a Land Rover.  I've a hunch that the evening of April 9th is going to be similarly bruising!

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