Monday 14 January 2013

Mr. Creator

Kent time again! Their Apollas compilation had been winking at me from the cd racks for a while and when I finally took the time to do my homework and heard "Mr. Creator" I knew I'd be cheerfully parting with cash for it (see, some folks still spend money on physical releases!).  Occupying similar musical ground to The Flirtations' "Nothing But A Heartache", it benefits from one of the best (re?)mastering jobs I can recall hearing; so powerful, so bright.  Lead singer Leola Jiles glides effortlessly through the gears from girl group sweetness to gospel wailing without overdoing it in either direction.  How I'd love an original 45!  Hopefully a fair proportion of the cd's other 24 tracks are similarly immense.  Kent wins again!


  1. You won't be disappointed. Songwriters Ashford and Simpson were on fire. Original copies of Mr Creator aren't too stupid a price as northern soul goes, but you're still looking at around £75 for an ex copy.

  2. Just spinning it now - sounds grand! Nothing to match "Mr. Creator" yet, though. Alas 75 is out of my reach. Now that I know it's not outrageously dear, though, I'll keep half an eye out for a copy. Ta!

